Richard Ziegler

Date/place of birth

03. May 1891 PforzheimGermany

Day/place of death

23. February 1992 PforzheimGermany

Richard Ziegler - biography

Richard Ziegler is an artist of the ‘lost generation’ whose work was repressed and forgotten due to defamation by the Nation Socialists. The German master of New Objectivity has long since been rediscovered and stands in line with greats such as Otto Dix, George Grosz and Karl Hubbuch.

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Richard Ziegler Prices

ArtistArtworkPrice (incl. premium)
Richard Ziegler Richter und Sünder €39.600
Richard Ziegler Junger Mann mit Sündenfall €16.250
Richard Ziegler Und abends in die Scala €8.680
Richard Ziegler Mädchen mit Collier €6.820
Richard Ziegler Mädchen am Tisch €6.552
Richard Ziegler Häuser am Weg. Verso: Blühender Baum €6.250