Giovanni Battista Moroni - The Three Marys at the Tomb - image-1

Lot 1019 Dα

Giovanni Battista Moroni - The Three Marys at the Tomb

Auction 1141 - overview Cologne
16.11.2019, 11:00 - Paintings and Drawings 15th - 19th C.
Estimate: 140.000 € - 200.000 €

Giovanni Battista Moroni

The Three Marys at the Tomb

Oil on canvas. 50 x 64 cm.

This work was first published in the journal "Bergomum" in 1944 and described as follows: "The piece depicts the episode from the Gospels which took place at early morning during the sunrise. The grave and the lower part of the landscape (which depicts the surroundings of Albino) are depicted in a dusky half-light just before the break of day". The work is also described as one of Moroni's most accomplished small compositions: "Tra le piccole composizioni pittoriche del Moroni è certamente questa una delle più importanti e belle." (Appunti e notizie 1944, p. 122).

The piece later featured in the exhibition "Pittori della realtà in Lombardia" by Roberto Longhi, who once again took the opportunity to praise its atmospheric qualities, "Così come, in un formato minore, gli riuscirono [a Moroni] il sole e l'ombra di un'ora di punta entro la scena delle Marie al Sepolcro." (1953, p. 5) The landscape is in fact the most fascinating and modern aspect of the image and is even thought to have inspired Caravaggio's "Sacrifice of Isaac" (R. Cipriani, G. Testori op. cit.). Giuseppe Frangi describes it as "Corot ante-litteram" (Testori 1978, p. 38).

The work was first dated to the artist's late period due to the landscape, which is thought to depict the surroundings of Moroni's home town of Albino (R. Cipriani, G. Testori op. cit). However, Davide Cugini (op. cit) and Mina Gregori (op. cit.) both suggest an earlier date since they were able to identify influences of both Moretto and Lorenzo Lotto. Dr Simone Facchinetti is currently working on a catalogue raisonné of Moroni's works. He groups the piece together with the "Virgin and Child" in Castelli Calepi and the "Assunta" in Oneta due to its style and "analytical composition", suggesting a possible date of 1555.

We would like to thank Dr Simone Facchinetti for his kind support in cataloguing this work.


Milan private collection since 1953. - By descent to an English private collection.


D. Cugini, Rilievi sulla mostra di Palazzo Reale a Milano, in L´Eco di Bergamo 17,6 1953, p. 3. - F. Rossi, Giovanni Battista Moroni nel IV centenario della morte, in: Notizie di Palazzo Albani, VI, 2. 1977, p. 50 - 59,. - G.Testori, Moroni in Val Seriana, Brescia 1978. p. 38. - M. Gregori, Giovanni Battista Moroni, in: I Pittori Bergamaschi dal XIII al XIX secolo. Il Cinquecento, III, Bergamo 1979, p. 95 - 377. - R. Longhi, Dal Moroni al Ceruti (1953), in: Studi e ricerche sul Sei e Settecento (1929 - 1970), Firenze1991, p. 1 - 16.


Milano 1953, Palazzo Reale, April - Juli "I pittori della realtà in Lombardia", p. 31, no. 27. - Albino 1968, Chiesa di San Bartolomeo, Oktober - November "Pittori di Albino nei secoli dal 1500 al 1900. Moroni, Ceroni, Pezzotta, Sicardi, Cugini, Fassi".