A polychromed wood  figure of a luohan of Indian type. Ming dynasty, 16th/17th century - image-1
A polychromed wood  figure of a luohan of Indian type. Ming dynasty, 16th/17th century - image-2
A polychromed wood  figure of a luohan of Indian type. Ming dynasty, 16th/17th century - image-3
A polychromed wood  figure of a luohan of Indian type. Ming dynasty, 16th/17th century - image-1A polychromed wood  figure of a luohan of Indian type. Ming dynasty, 16th/17th century - image-2A polychromed wood  figure of a luohan of Indian type. Ming dynasty, 16th/17th century - image-3

Lot 55 Dα

A polychromed wood figure of a luohan of Indian type. Ming dynasty, 16th/17th century

Auction 1190 - overview Cologne
11.12.2021, 11:00 - Asian Art
Estimate: 4.000 € - 6.000 €
Result: 20.000 € (incl. premium)

A polychromed wood figure of a luohan of Indian type. Ming dynasty, 16th/17th century

Seated on a rockery base, leaning slightly forward, the face with an animated expression and open mouth, beneath a pronounced bump on the forehead, the right hand forming a fist and placed onto the emanciated chest, the left hand resting on the knee, wearing an black-painted undergarment with borders in red and green, the robe with floral decorations of applied gesso relief. The object or possibly a lion to the luohans left-hand side missing.
Height 57.5 cm


羅漢(梵文 arhat)是佛陀第一次開示後跟隨他的弟子的名字。 他們被認為是佛教信徒的榜樣。 在中國,他們經常被描繪成 16 或 18 人一組,並沿著寺院的牆壁放置在石頭、木頭、青銅或石器上的雕塑。 通常他們坐在由岩石形成的長凳上。 羅漢有兩種:印度式和中國式。

來源:德國柏林 China-Bohlken 藝術品貿易行 (Theodor Bohlken)

圖見於:《Weltkunst》( 世界艺术),1931年2月,第5版,圖7和15


Formerly with China-Bohlken (Theodor Bohlken), Berlin (around 1930)
Private collection, Salzburg, acquired at Georg L. Hartl, Bernried


Ill. in: Weltkunst, vol.5, no. 7, 15.2.1931, p. 8, with two other luohan (out of a group of eight) and dated to the Song dynasty