17401 results:
Coveted Jewels  
… mountings was sold to a German…

Anniversary: 10 Years of Berlin Sales  
…Lempertz will be holding their tenth traditional…

Asian Art - A dragon flies high  
… € 10/12,000). It sold for € 17,500 to a…

Treasures from a Lower Saxony private collection  
… family and was sold in 1808 with parts…

Beuys at the front  
… “Grau” was also sold to a German…

Record for Qi Baishi, Top Prices and Dramatic Increases  
… eventually sold for €784,000 (lot…

The great potential of archaic Chinese bronzes  
… was completely sold. Alongside written…

Asian Art - Important Collections  
…e Chinese works of art stand out in the regular…

For the Elixir of Immortality  
… rare blue and white double-gourd…

… at auction. It sold for 8,700 and