3394 results:
Asian Art Sale - Surprise Results  
… the majority achieved amazing results (lots 624 – 755). The highlights of the selection of 150 netsuke consigned from a number of European private collections included an ivory reclining ox from the late…

Million Euro Plate  
… arts, ceramics, porcelain, painting, armour, swords, sword ornaments, lacquer, sagemono, and netsuke, this season's sale also included two highly important private collections. These were the second…

Asian Art - Stately calm and radiance  
… offered with extensive documentation (lots 624 – 755). Following the great success of the sale of the Netsuke from the Brockhaus Collection in June, the auction will conclude with a comprehensive offer of around…

Highlights from private collections  
… arts, ceramics, porcelain, painting, armour, swords and sword ornaments, lacquer, sagemono, and netsuke, this season's auction will also feature two important private collections. One being the second half…

Very popular sculptures  
… of an armour from the 16th century reaching 33,500 (lot 296, 4/6,000). THE KOLODOTSCHKO COLLECION OF NETSUKE – PART IV The success story of the auction of the Kolodotschko collection of netsuke was continued…

Chinese Art: Snapped up  
… from the 18th/19th century was raised to 12.400 (lot 1416, 6/8.000). The Kolodotschko collection of netsuke III The third part of the collection was again presented in a special English language catalogue.…

Outstanding Success: White Glove Sale  
… oni as a wakizashi carrier from the Meiji period was € 16,000 (lot 132, € 4/6,000), whilst the regular netsuke offer was highlighted by a finely carved, 3.5 cm ivory shishi with a ball from the 19th century which…

Asian Art - A dragon flies high  
… which was sold to an American collector for € 25,000 (lot 553, € 20,000). Lempertz’ traditionally broad netsuke offer was led by a 5.6 cm long boxwood hare carved by Yoshitsugu in the early 19th century, and which…

Lempertz ended this year's spring season with a sensational result  
… momentum, as seen this season with the third part of the important Kolodotschko collection of netsuke, as well as an unusual Viennese collection of Russian avant-garde porcelain. The Soviet porcelain…

The great potential of archaic Chinese bronzes  
… (lot 305, €10/15,000). Japan Alongside high-value lacquer works, a noteworthy selection of netsuke of traditionally high quality and quantity were offered, one highlight of which was a Sansukumi,…