3524 results:
Record for van Gogh  
The unusually large work on paper (measuring 62 x 47 cm) is subtly tinted with watercolour paint and was made in the autumn of 1881 in Etteren near Breda, where Van Gogh's father was pastor and where

World record and international bidding competition in the autumn auction  
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Fabrizio Plessi - Cariatide Mediterranea  
Art means constant movement for Fabrizio Plessi; the father of video installation does not stop, but relies on the dynamics of a rapid set of pictures which, with playful ease, merge back into a

Modern Art - Amazing Spring Offers  
Further important pieces include a colour chalk drawing by Picasso (€ 180/220,000), a painting by Alexej Jawlensky from 1916 estimated at € 300/350.000, a watercolour

Beuys at the front  
With a result of € 487,000, Yves Klein’s 35 x 25.3 x 2.7 cm picture “IKB 132”, one of his legendary, deep luminous ultramarine blue canvases, from 1957, was the top lot of the auction. A

Coffee in the Garden  
Crowning the broad offering with 592,000 was the important painting Kaffeetafel im Grünen by August Macke. Painted in 1912, and up until now not publicly presented, the picture shows the artist's

Albers far in front  
Homage to the Square by Josef Albers from 1961 was the overall highlight of the auction with a price of 616,000. Alone eleven national and international telephones fought over the square work.

Strong performance by Kirchner and Grosz  
The top lot of the auction was the museum-quality painting by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner from the artist’s productive year of 1912 on Fehmarn. It was here he produced many of his best and most important

A panel from around 1490/1500 by a Lower Rhenish master depicting the Passion of Christ became the subject of a substantial bidding battle. The piece rose far above the original estimate of