Johann Peter Melchior

Buy works by Johann Peter Melchior in our upcoming auctions!

Do you own a work by Johann Peter Melchior, which you would like to sell?

Johann Peter Melchior - Current offers and reference objects

Johann Peter Melchior Prices

ArtistArtworkPrice (incl. premium)
Johann Peter Melchior A Höchst porcelain crucifix €5.208
Johann Peter Melchior A rare Neoclassical Höchst porcelain potpourri €3.528
Johann Peter Melchior A Höchst porcelain figure group with a sleeping boy €3.472
Johann Peter Melchior Two Höchst porcelain figures of milkmaids €2.480
Johann Peter Melchior A pair of Höchst porcelain figures of children at the market €1.860
Johann Peter Melchior A Höchst group of a shepherd, dog and lamb on an earth mound base. €1.860